Bat Woman Shi Zhengli Confirms Fauci Involvement

Mitigating the Risks of Synthetic Biology (PDF) Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) – published February 09, 2015:

U.S. Government Pulls Funding For Research Project On Bats And Coronaviruses : Goats and Soda : NPR

There was a moratorium on gain-of-function-research (anything that makes it more pathogenic) but then there appeared a loophole in the legislation that eco health alliance took advantage of. The paper trail is clear : NIH director Anthony Fauci signed off on the million+ dollar grant that ultimately went to the Wuhan Lab Institute.

U.S. government gave $3.7million grant to Wuhan lab that experimented on coronavirus source bats | Daily Mail Online

“For years, the US government has been funding cruel animal experiments at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which may have contributed to the global spread of COVID-19,”

In 2014, the NIH approved a grant to EcoHealth Alliance designated for research into “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence.” The project involved collaborating with researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology to study coronaviruses in bats and the risk of potential transfer to humans.  The original five-year grant was reapproved by the Trump administration in July 2019 (second approval in 2020 was denied) In total, $3,378,896 in NIH funding was directed from the government to the project.

USA TODAY May 2020

Seraphim’s commentary “There’s no reason not to zero in on the lab origin hypothesis. People keep saying it came from nature, but there absolutely no proof of that; it has been 15 months since the outbreak began and still no animal to point to as the source; with mers and previous sars the animal was found in just a few months. There is ample evidence that it is chimera disease, genetically engineered in a lab.”

WHO covid 19 investigator Peter Daszak has close ties to the Chinese communist party. – that’s the man the msm is quoting when it says coronavirus could not have come from the Wuhan lab; He was the lead investigator; Ecohealth Alliance editor and chief. He improved their medical division. That is the non-profit company Doctor Anthony Fauci approved a grant from the National Institute of Health in the amount of $3.7 million in 2016 (NIAID Director since 1984).

bat woman, Shi Zhengli, confirms, Fauci involvement, anthony fauci, fauci, gain-of-function-research, ecohealth alliance, peter daszak, niaids, NIH grant, million dollars, funding, bat, coronaviruses,

Nonprofit EcoHealth Alliance and Daszak have been working with Shi Zhengli, a virologist at the WIV (#wuhan institute of #virology), for more than 15 years, in the field known as Gain-of-Function-Research. Since 2014, an NIH grant has funded EcoHealth’s research in China, which involves collecting faeces and other samples from bats, and blood samples from people at risk of infection from bat-origin viruses. Anthony Fauci was the one who approved that $3.9 million grant (bat woman Shi Zhengli statements confirm this). Peter Dazsak was the lead investigator into the origins of coronavirus – he’s the one the mainstream media quotes when they allegedly debunk claims that covid came from the Wuhan lab. Daszak carried out the $3.9 million contract.

The Chinese government has been supporting health events that Fauci and Daszak have been speaking at for years. Daszak has a ‘longstanding relationship’ with communist China. Fauci infamous quote from the event in 2016 “the USA is on the verge of a pandemic” – that’s what coined the term plandemic.

EcoHealth Alliance and Peter Daszak have been working with Shi Zhengli, a virologist at the WIV, for more than 15 years. Since 2014, an NIH grant has funded most of EcoHealth’s research in China, which involves collecting faeces and other samples from bats, and blood samples from people at risk of infection from bat-origin viruses.

The Chinese government has been funding sustaining ecosystems and supporting health events that Fauci and Daszak have been speaking at for years (2011 conference – Dr Fauci was the keynote speaker).
Infamous quote after the election, from the event “the USA was on the verge of a pandemic” – that’s what he said at the event in 2016.

bat woman Shi Zhengli confirms Fauci involvement

Author: seraphim
double major in Hon math and biology at Dalhousie University. working towards masters in mathematical biology interests include investing, canadian oil, lyme disease, reading journals, and the food industry ( has garnered a growing number of citations)

3 thoughts on “Bat Woman Shi Zhengli Confirms Fauci Involvement

  1. 1. A simple google search will show that after 2017 NIH indeed funded gain of function research and touted it on its own website from the director of NIH. Link provided.

    2. Further searches show EcoHealth Alliance received grants from NIH for research into SARS and other viruses and they indeed work with foreign labs.

    So while NIH didn’t pay Wuhan Institute of Virology, it clearly funded parties who took funds from NIH to fund this research.

  2. Dr. Jonathan Latham, virologist/microbiologist, editor of “independent Science news” out of Ithaca NY, lays out a compelling case that Dr. Fauci had to know about the October 2012 miners 1000 miles away from Wuhan, that got sick cleaning out bat dung of the horseshoe bat in caves. 3 of the six miners died, their tissue samples where sent to Wuhan and put in a freezer. The closest known relative (above 90%) was sequenced as RaTG 13, and appears in SARS Covid 2. Others have disputed this ancestral relationship, but Dr. Latham makes a very good case that is related.

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