Vaccines Strokes Children and Concert Frequencies

vaccines strokes children

the graphene vaccine connection -> if graphene is in the vaccine that would explain the effect vibrational frequencies had on attendees of the Travis Scott concert at six flags Astroworld.

video to the right : bill gates admits the covid-19 vaccines do not block transmission of the virus.

We confirm graphene oxide, a two-dimensional carbon structure at the nanoscale level can be a strong candidate for high-efficient interconnector in radio-frequency range. In this paper, we investigate high frequency characteristics of graphene oxide in range of 0.5–40 GHz.

radio frequency characteristics of graphene-oxide

Franklin Graham Seeks Your Prayers as He Recovers from Heart Surgery for Pericarditis | CBN News

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vid above shows vaccine buses in London, UK

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Author: seraphim
double major in Hon math and biology at Dalhousie University. working towards masters in mathematical biology interests include investing, canadian oil, lyme disease, reading journals, and the food industry ( has garnered a growing number of citations)

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