BMJ |should anti-vaccine misinformation be criminalised?

medical journal, the bmj, doctors, covid19 misinformation, criminalize, unprecedented, human rights, vaccine injuries, msm complicit, fake news

it’s open season on anti-vaxxers

the discussion opened by the medical community no less, the ones who have, and I quote “already failed us “

The BMJ published this as a medical journal on February 17, 2021. They argue that “we must, reluctantly, consider criminalizing people who deliberately spread false information”. even is getting in on this and cracking down on anti-vaccine websites signifying a radical change in tone.

comment : mass-inoculating hundreds of millions of people with unconventional vaccines after only months of testing is unprecedented ! last month AstraZeneca reports of blood clots were deemed to be a ‘minor complication for the few’. only weeks later no less than twenty countries report this complication to be widespread. all the while the mainstream media specifically that of North America has nothing to say. In the case of AstraZeneca health officials failed in their due diligence.

from the BMJ

False information about vaccines is heterogeneous, spread by groups ranging from anti-vaccine libertarians protecting civil liberties to concerned parents and health conscious people.4 It is nothing new—from the Anti-Vaccination Leagues of the 1880s, fighting infringements of personal liberty,5 to the persistence of the fraudulent Wakefield study linking the MMR vaccine to autism (despite its retraction).6 Spreading falsehoods can be lucrative, and some people allegedly benefit from spreading conspiracy theories and selling coronavirus cures.27

fascism knows no bounds ! boycott the bmj !

Simple, emotive, and compelling disinformation can sow doubt and distrust by exploiting perceived U turns in scientific knowledge or by presenting government or public health decisions as establishment failures. “Merchandising doubt” is effective, from denying a link between cigarettes and cancer to questioning climate change or national election results.8 Doubt destabilizes, polarises, and erodes trust.