vaccine efficacy covid19 variants b1171 P1 B1351 b1429

vaccine efficacy covid19 variants b1171 P1 B1351 b1429

South African variant may evade protection from Pfizer vaccine, Israeli study says


Troubling new peer-reviewed paper shows even 2-dose recipients have serious trouble neutralizing the #B1351 covid19 strain variant. The South African variant, B.1.351, makes up more than 1% of all the COVID-19 cases across all the people studied, Tel Aviv University and Clalit. But among patients who had received two doses of the vaccine, the variant’s prevalence rate was eight times higher than those unvaccinated – 5.4% versus 0.7%.

This suggests the vaccine is less effective against the South African variant, compared with the original coronavirus and a variant first identified in Britain that has come to comprise nearly all COVID-19 cases in Israel.

long term effectiveness of all vaccines may be more limited that previously thought as evidenced by the case of Two months after receiving vaccine, Illinois mom tests positive for COVID-19 ::

b1351 variant—as little as vs old SARS & bat coronavirus. #P1 is poor too. 1-dose worse.

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vaccine effective against variants, viral variant, covid19 variant, covid19 strains, poor neutralization, 2 dose vaccine, b1351 variant, b117 variant, P1 variant, B1427 variant, B1429 varriant, pfizer vaccine, vaccination, vaccine efficacy, efficacy rate,