serious vaccine injuries blood clots d-dimer-test
person 1 – clinical thrombosis – will not show up on a scan – but the individual has permanently damaged lungs. because the vessels are permanently damaged in the lungs, pulmonary artery hypertension – will develop right sided heart failure in as little as three years. despite this no doctor can diagnose this without the d-dimer test.
Medically induced disease being produced by this vaccine. what is the mechanism of injury. the vaccine manufacturers said spike protein does not go intravenous. it is produced in the arm – but Dr. Brody has revealed that only 25% of the vaccine actually stays in the arm. The moderna vaccine has 40 trillion messenger RNA per dose, each wrapped in a lipid molecule. The shot is given in the deltoid muscle then circulates through the entire by the lymphatic system end up settling in capillary networks because that’s where the blood slows down.
Nanocapsules containing trillions of mrna are absorbed by the vascular endothelium – the cells around the blood vessels. The body recognizes the mrna strands as a gene and proceeds to make spike proteins. The spike proteins become part of the cell wall of that cell. Normally the cells around blood vessels should be very smooth but as soon as you have the spike proteins as part of the cell wall it becomes a rough vessel. Clotting happens when the platelets hit the rough part. Blood clots are inevitable because of these spike proteins in the capillary networks. the clots are microscopic and scattered -> will not show on any scans, the only way to know if a person is clotted is with a test called the D-Dimer test. Test tells you that the clot mechanism has been activated but will not show where the clots are. the small blood clots are not rare and happening in 2/3rds of vaccinated people. a clotted vessel is permanently damaged – it cannot go back to normal.
person 1 – clinical thrombosis – will not show up on a scan – but the individual has permanently damaged lungs. because the vessels are permanently damaged in the lungs, pulmonary artery hypertension – will develop right sided heart failure in as little as three years. despite this no doctor can diagnose this without the d-dimer test.